As auto makers strive to meet increasingly stringent requirements for weight reduction with a range of high strength lightweight materials, many manufacturers are moving to a mixed materials environment.
What are the benefits of using a fully motorized microscope system? It’s an excellent question, and one that can be fully answered when looking at some motorized scope options.
High-speed data capture technique cuts calibration time 85 to 90%, minimizing downtime on key assets
January 1, 2016
The word “laser” implies “light speed” for the casual listener, but witnessing a bi-directional laser calibration run on just one linear axis of a CNC mill conjures up a completely different image of something less than light speed.
The efficient and early inclusion of quality in the Digital Tapestry is changing the way Lockheed Martin’s Space Systems does business. We are creating a seamless link between engineering, production and the supply chain. Using virtual design tools, we use the same 3-D information from concept to cosmos, making a faster and more affordable life cycle.
I hate paperwork. In fact, I think the only redeeming quality most of it has is the fact that it is combustible and therefore great for starting fires in my fireplace.
Computed tomography (CT) scanners are a popular choice for inspecting both the external and internal geometry of parts — finding inclusions, voids and flaws that could cause failure or underperformance.
In my last column I beat up on the calibration of adjustable thread ring gages. Since I’m a nice guy, I thought it only fair that non-adjustable or solid thread ring gage calibration get similar treatment.