News in early July is usually dominated by Fourth of July celebrations and sporting events like the NBA Finals, Stanley Cup, and the MLB All-Star Game. This July has been no different, other than coverage of three separate American billionaires going, or soon planning to go, into outer space.
The laws of supply and demand are familiar, whether consciously or unconsciously, to anyone that has ever attempted to buy or sell something. So, basically, everyone that has ever lived.
Today’s modern quality software technologies use advanced, yet simple, analysis tools to provide actionable information at a higher level, than older technology allowed for.
Automated SPC software can help organizations take their quality approaches from reactive to proactive, boosting efficiency and getting everyone on the same page. Read on to learn how companies in transportation and defense, consumer goods and construction materials, food and beverage, and medical devices and pharmaceuticals companies can meet quality requirements, industry regulations and more.
So how do we take the law into our own hands? The best, and only, approach is to surround ourselves with the tools and knowledge to reap our vigilante justice. To facilitate that knowledge, check out “The Changing Face of Additive Manufacturing Inspection,” “A Corporate Commitment to Quality Requires a Digital-First Approach,” and everything else we have to offer in this month’s Quality.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the new standard in manufacturing today, deeply affecting the way manufacturers operate. Improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is crucial to IoT. Optimizing OEE requires accurate, up-to-date data across an entire organization, including measurement and test information from both quality labs and the shop floor.
Process control is frequently used for mass production. It automates precise industrial processes and is easy enough to for even small staff to manage complex processes from a central control room.
Automated risk management tools can help manufacturers incorporate risk-based thinking into their processes. Organizations should adopt risk-based thinking to make better decisions, particularly when they must contend with challenging, fast-paced or otherwise uncertain environments.