Glenn H. Mazur has been active in QFD since its inception in North America and has worked extensively with the founders of QFD on their teaching and consulting visits from Japan. He is a leader in the application of QFD as well as conducting advanced QFD research and is the Chair for the International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment. Glenn is the Executive Director of the QFD Institute and International Council for QFD and retired Adjunct Lecturer on TQM at the University of Michigan College of Engineering and retired senior member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and the Japanese Society for Quality Control (JSQC). He is a certified QFD Red Belt® (highest level), one of two in North America. He is a certified QFD-Architekt #A21907 by QFD Institut Deutschland and honorary president of the Hong Kong QFD Association and Asia QFD Association. He is convenor of the ISO Working Group which has written the ISO 16355 series standards for QFD, member of ISO working group writing the ISO 20575 standard for Design for Six Sigma, and liaison to TC 312 writing the ISO/TS 23686 standard for Service Excellence and TC 207 for Environmental Management. He is an Academician of the International Academy for Quality where he co-chairs the Voice of Customer Think Tank. He is the recipient of the 1998 Akao Prize® for Excellence in QFD and the 2017 Yoshio Kondo Academic Research Prize.
For more information, contact Glenn Mazur, QFD Red Belt®, Executive Director, QFD Institute, ICQFD, at or visit
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