Previously known as Informa Markets Engineering (IME) West, hosting five co-located shows — MD&M West, ATX West, D&M West, Plastec West, and WestPack — we are now merging 4 of these related industry sectors into a single unified show: MD&M West.
Our special focus on your specialty is not changing. One MD&M umbrella unites a community of multiple special interests who all share a single goal – to advance their knowledge, contacts, and progress in the rapidly accelerating world of advanced manufacturing.
The Quality Show is an event by Quality that will help connect manufacturing professionals with a growing network of top-tier suppliers and cutting-edge subject matter experts. Explore and evaluate latest industry trends in metrology and process improvement equipment to improve your manufacturing process. Together with The ASSEMBLY Show South and Adhesives in Action, The Quality Show will be the go-to spot for all things manufacturing!