The phenomenal rise of collaborative automation systems over the past decade or so has seen collaborative technologies deployed on a growing number of quality control applications. Collaborative automation enables companies of all sizes to improve throughput and reduce cycle times on inspection tasks.
Improvements in CMM equipment and developments in model-based software solutions have also helped make the technology more accessible.
March 23, 2022
Engineers have historically used 2D drawings to convey product manufacturing information, even though they design products in 3D. But as quality control has become even more important, and as parts and components are becoming more complex to measure, the demand for automatic measurement programming has grown.
As additive manufacturing (AM) applications are more widely adopted, processes and material specifications, testing and inspection requirements are all gaining importance.
Zygo Corporation has announced the introduction of its latest generation of ZeGage™ 3D optical profiling instruments providing precise and rapid non-contact measurement of surface topography for enhanced quality and process control.
The most accurate CT scanning systems are built like a CMM with an X-ray probe.
July 1, 2016
The use of computed tomography (CT scanning) for dimensional inspection is rapidly expanding as companies discover how this technology is the best solution for a wide range of dimensional inspection, flaw detection, and assembly verification applications.
In August of 2011 I made a presentation to our sales team on how we had incorporated the new ISO Geometrical Product Specifications into our operating software for all of our form tester products.
Unlock the power of 3D measurement data to identify root causes, prevent dimensional issues, and gain actionable insights for quality assurance in this comprehensive 60-minute webinar.