My introduction to quality commenced at a manufacturing plant where I started at an entry-level product packaging position. Shortly after I started that position, I was introduced to the quality control inspector of my production line who sparked my interest in this role after sharing with me his job duties. He explained he was to ensure the product was built to the company’s set standards before it went out into the market. Soon after, I was promoted to quality control inspector where my supervisor encouraged me to join the ASQ Inspection Division. I followed her advice and became a member. Doing so has given me an opportunity to enhance my skills in quality control tools, leadership, and has allowed me to expand my professional network.

As a quality control inspector, I have participated in process improvement teams and have been introduced to quality methodologies. These methodologies include Six Sigma, DMAIC, 5S, Kaizen, TQM, and the 7 basic quality tools. Being a member of the ASQ Inspection Division has given me access to many resources that have allowed me to be successful in these process improvement projects. Some of these resources include access to training, articles, standards, webinars, and conferences. I also have access to the myASQ website, which provides me with connections to thousands of quality professionals around the world who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise of quality tools and processes.

My leadership skills have been developed by becoming an ASQ Inspection Division member leader. I am currently in my third year of being a member leader. During the first two years my role was webinar coordinator where I developed my skills in planning, hosting, coordinating, and managing virtual events for the benefit of our members. My current role is social media coordinator where I engage with our members on our social media platforms. I have had mentorships from our senior members who have guided me through this path and continued to mentor me to further develop my skills in leadership.

Prior to joining the Inspection Division my professional network was limited to my co-workers and previous colleagues. Becoming an ASQ Inspection Division member instantly gave me connections to thousands of quality professionals all around the world and within my local section in San Antonio. Ultimately, becoming a member leader has given me the opportunity to travel to many states and volunteer in conferences. This is where I have made multiple personal and professional connections, which have enriched my knowledge in quality as well as allowed to build lasting friendships.

When I think back to my first job when my quality supervisor suggested that I join the ASQ Inspection Division, I never imagined that for the annual membership fee I would be getting leadership training, access to countless quality resources and, most of all, the pleasure of being a volunteer for such an amazing society. This might sound like a sales pitch or a promotional article for ASQ Inspection Division but this has been my experience, and the reason the ASQ Inspection Division can offer such a great member experience, is because of the leadership team and its members, which I am proud to be a part of.