In the longest-lasting version of the hypothetical situation, a hungry donkey is placed equidistant between two identical bales of hay. Paralyzed with indecision as to which bale to choose, the donkey will inevitably starve to death.
Before we dive into the quality issues that arise from manual data entry, let’s review the ways in which data is handled in industrial calibration processes.
Autonomous machine vision inspection provides quick, automated defect recognition and can implement the knowledge it gains, thereby decreasing false alarms and erroneous scrap.
While 2021 was a challenging year for many, others found ways to excel in spite of everything. Even amidst a pandemic, these companies continued to shine. Our annual Quality Leadership ranking provides much-deserved recognition for companies that prioritize quality.
It is time to make GD&T much easier to use correctly. Here, then, are a number of examples of confusing Y14.5 Standard terms and definitions, along with recommended improvements.
The dedicated and selflessASQ member leaders are the primary reason why the society is able to fulfill its mission of: empowering individuals and communities of the world to achieve excellence through quality.
Peter Drucker, the famed author, educator, and management consultant, said “Efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right things.” Whether individually or organizationally, the key to short and long-term success is to focus on the most important issues.
You have most likely heard it expressed as the battle between the irresistible force versus the immoveable object. More accurately, it is Newton’s Law, which, in part, states that a body at rest will stay at rest and a body in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by another force.
Measurement devices must be calibrated regularly to ensure they perform their jobs properly. While calibration covers a wide range of applications and scenarios, the goal is simple: ensure your device is measuring to your standards.
To facilitate widespread adoption of AM, it will be necessary for material property data to be shared among the design community at large instead by being held by a few large companies.
In 2010 the ASTM F42 Committee on Additive Manufacturing (AM) created the terminology for an industry which up to then was referred to as rapid prototyping (RP). Parts made using the various rapid prototyping technologies were often used as design concept models, fit check mock-ups and function test articles.