As time progresses, we continue to learn a great deal about quality. We have embedded quality in our processes, our measurement systems, and even our relationships. Although we still have much to learn, one cannot help but marvel at the transforming impact of quality.
For as long as There Has Been Commercial and MilitaryFlight, Aircraft Compoenent Suppliers Have Been Charged With Providing Dimensional and Process Control-Related Data.
Aerospace and defense manufacturing, and associated maintenance and repair operations (MRO), are undergoing some fundamental technology shifts right now. One of the drivers of this is additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing.
First Article Inspection (FAI) is the process of planning, manufacturing, and verifying a production process. In the aerospace and defense industries in the U.S., most companies conduct AS9102 First Article Inspections.
A lot has changed since March 2020. That’s when the last Quality State of the Profession survey was conducted. The survey was fielded March 9-10, 2020. The next day, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and it was declared a national emergency in the U.S. a few days after that.
Additive manufacturing (AM) has many advantages when compared to traditional subtractive manufacturing processes for the fabrication of low-volume, high-value, complex-shaped parts.
In the year since the COVID-19 pandemic began upending our lives, one change among many was the huge uptick in the global consumption of paper and plastic products. Ecommerce saw rapid expansion in 2020 as restaurants shifted to a takeout model and consumers opted to shop online from the safety of their homes instead of visiting a crowded store.
When it comes to selecting an industrial nondestructive test (NDT) inspection system, quality managers invest considerable time researching systems and considering the impact of every available feature on their business.
As a branch of metalworking, a subset of fabrication, metal forming is a foundational process, involved in a wide range of parts assembly: from the metal stamping of consumer goods used at home to many of the component elements of airplanes and automobiles.
Quality control has long been an integral part of the production process by contributing to smooth operations and avoiding extra costs. Today, we are seeing significant changes to the industrial metrology market due to the rising demand to collect data for statistical and monitoring analysis.
Today the demand for faster, more accurate measurement is growing. One method of achieving this goal is to turn to 5-axis rapid touch trigger measurement as part of a CMM. Let’s dive into why this technology is beneficial and why adoption is on the rise.