Throughout my career I have seen the power in recognizing people’s efforts. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that when people feel appreciated and get recognized, they are more engaged, motivated, and productive.
In a recent gathering of quality professionals, the subject of unsuccessful change implementation surfaced. Most people understand change is necessary for survival, but in this era it is happening at an unprecedented, almost vertical rate. The bottom line though is that change is uncomfortable for most and it is common for people to resist change.
Decisions are required all the time, both small and large. How to run a business? What to do about customer complaints? What should you have for lunch?
Spend time on any manufacturing floor and you will realize that relationships between suppliers and partners are critical. Rather than considering them as an entity outside of your organization, suppliers should be treated as trusted partners.
If you’re a longtime reader of Quality, you’ll have seen our Leadership 100 ranking. Every year, we take a look at the quality programs at manufacturing sites around the country.