In partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, CESMII brings over $140 million in public-private investment to enable smart manufacturing technologies and systems to become the driving, sustainable engine that delivers real-time business and energy improvements in U.S. manufacturing.
Every day I talk to customers who want to get off paper. They spend an inordinate amount of operators’ time manually capturing data on paper, and then often double-down when they have someone transfer those paper check sheets into a digital spreadsheet.
The Entrepreneurial Company Award recognizes the company that provides the best innovation and customer impact and has the genuine potential to disrupt the market by delivering advanced products that clearly help customers achieve desired outcomes with significant value for the price.
Most quality departments are still doing things the old fashioned way: measure, collect, compare, respond, fix, and repeat. This reactive, legacy approach is, of course, vital for any successful company, but in this data-driven age of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0, it’s not enough.
Coruson will provide AirAsia’s management with complete oversight of business performance and standardize operations across the group’s nine airlines, in line with common safety, quality and risk targets.