As we consider the possibility that products can be manufactured anywhere in the world, we must also think about the specifics of the standard we use to describe the product requirements.
People often talk about the high failure rate for software implementation projects. Stories abound about failures in CRM, MES, SCM and QMS, but the stories are especially disturbing when they involve ERP.
In psychological terms, perception is defined as our recognition and interpretation of sensory information, as well as how we respond to the information.
To understand perception, information technology and literacy instructor Yolanda Williams asks us to think of it “as a process where we take in sensory information from our environment and use that information in order to interact with our environment. Perception allows us to take the sensory information in and make it into something meaningful.”
Forget Hamlet. What’s going on? That is the question.
Data collection is about addressing this most important question in strategy. Maybe “What’s going on?” is the greatest question ever asked. Right up there with “Where are we?” and “Who are you?”
Statistical Process Control charts have been called the Voice of the Process. Progressive manufacturers utilize control charts to “listen” to their processes so that potentially harmful changes will be quickly detected and rectified.