Evaluating your organization’s vulnerability to cyberattacks is essential, especially regarding ISO27001 requirements. Many overlook IT security, which can lead to serious issues; I’ve witnessed two organizations attacked, one during a renewal audit, emphasizing the need for strong cybersecurity.
Discover how a mid-sized business can save $100,000 to $300,000 annually with Lean ISO management system documents. You might be surprised by the training costs for a company with 500 employees!
This standard can be used by any industrial sectors requiring a measurement management system, and is complementary to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or any other management system standard.
I have provided updates of the progress and development of ISO 10012 over the past three years. I am happy to say that after three years and numerous meetings the Draft International Standard (DIS) ISO10012 Quality management – Requirements for measurement management system has been released for review, approval, and comments.
The ongoing challenge for many companies is how to upgrade or integrate internal audit knowledge/competence and maybe cross train auditors for all the auditing schemes that your company is currently registered to or may be planning on expanding.
Recent quality issues with Boeing aircraft reveal critical flaws in ISO certification processes, despite adherence to standards like AS 9100. Strengthening these certifications is essential for maintaining credibility and ensuring that they truly reflect an organization’s commitment to quality and safety in aerospace products.
Whether performed onsite or outsourced to an ISO 17025 accredited lab, the tests described here are great ways to screen corrosion inhibiting materials during the selection process.
Corrosion prevention is vital for quality assurance in metal goods manufacturing. It helps avoid production delays and customer complaints from rust. Key strategies include four types of corrosion testing: VIA, humidity and salt fog, and iron chip testing. These tests aid in selecting effective protection methods and the right rust preventative dosage.
Since its publication there have been numerous articles about ISO 45001 but very little about OSHA and its requirement in Occupational Safety and Health Standards 29 CFR 1910.
Safety is paramount in manufacturing and distribution, with ISO 45001 (2018) guiding Health and Safety programs under federal regulations. However, there's less focus on OSHA's requirements in 29 CFR 1910.
As an accreditation assessor, I can say that many common assessment deficiencies could have been prevented if the calibration certificate had been thoroughly reviewed.
This article is an adaptation of my popular presentation, “Beyond the Sticker & the Cert (Ensuring Better Measurements & Reducing Risk).” Product manufacturers, testing labs, and calibration labs often overlook the importance of thoroughly reviewing calibration certificates, leading to potential measurement inaccuracies and increased risks.
In 2009, ISO proposed a standard for Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to improve product quality. QFD originated in Japanese manufacturing in the 1960s and complements traditional quality systems. The ISO standard, known as ISO 16355, includes over 100 case studies and tools from various sectors.
In 2009, ISO proposed a standard for Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to improve product quality. QFD originated in Japanese manufacturing in the 1960s and complements traditional quality systems. The ISO standard, known as ISO 16355, includes over 100 case studies and tools from various sectors.