Work holding fixtures for inspection devices have evolved over time and now have become, in some cases, as complex as the parts they are designed to hold. There was a day when some 1-2-3 blocks, knee blocks, double-sided tape and hot glue were all you needed to fixture parts for measurement on a coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
You have just finished your R&R study. Everything has gone according to plan and you are feeling quite pleased. Yet there is something off, something wrong. Your R&R percentage is too high. Now what?
If you can’t trust your data, there’s no point analyzing it—that’s why so many quality improvement projects include measurement system analysis, or MSA.
Solving Voldemort-Sized Problems in Test and Measurement.
June 2, 2014
The engineering design process—based closely on the scientific method—is “the set of steps that a designer takes to go from first, identifying a problem or need to, at the end, creating and developing a solution that solves the problem or meets the need.”
Any quality professional worth his keep knows that gage repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) studies are a critical part of a successful process control system, but it is amazing how many do not understand how to properly conduct a study or how to interpret the results.